Quick Redecorating Tip

Hannah and I recently decided we should try and update our TV room since we’re spending a little more time in it during the dark winter days.

First things first, the faded white walls weren’t very inspiring, so we thought repainting would be a nice quick update.

Fresh coat of paint: check

Uh, that orange tinted paint sure didn’t look so bright on the little swatch from the store. Hmmm….. I guess the name “Pumpkin Spice” should have tipped us off. Oh well, I can live with a pumpkin room for a little while. Actually, it looks pretty good now that the paint has actually dried. We’ve convinced ourselves it’s more of an orange brown than a pumpkin.

Alright, here comes the redecorating tip:

If you’re going to add furniture to a room, it’s important to know how the dimensions of that room is first.

We found a great sectional couch the other day that would have been perfect for a Pumpkin Spice receding to Orange Brown room, but we just did the eye-ball measurement trick. That’s probably fine for those with a keen sense of space, but I am certainly not that guy. However, I sometimes forget that. Which can cause problems. This was one of those times.

We hired a company to deliver the sectional to our freshly painted and empty room, but upon delivery I found out it wouldn’t fit (Hannah wasn’t there for the delivery).

The room was big enough, but the delivery guys were having a tough time negotiating the corner to get the pieces into the room. Basically, they were worried about damaging the walls and/or the furniture in order to make it fit, and didn’t want to go any further.

Long story short: I ended up sending the couch back and we now have an empty orange room.

The paint on the walls does liven up the room quite a bit, but I don’t know if watching TV on the floor is exactly an improvement. Luckily, we have a Charlie Brown Style Christmas Tree to lounge around in the other room.

Along Came A Spider

I was awakened the other morning by a fearless spider hunter (Hannah)

She informed me that there was a huge spider in the house, but she had caught it.

I assumed this meant caught and removed. I was wrong.

Upon walking into the kitchen a few minutes later I noticed a cup placed

over a spider.

Luckily, our dog was standing guard.

Hey Charlie Brown

The HBHQ has officially kicked off the decorating extravaganza (read: we got a living tree and are examining hand-me-down ornaments).