On Naps


I’ve always  mixed feelings about napping. I’m not one for sleeping during the day or even really sleeping in anymore. It hasn’t always been this way. There was a time in my life – when I was a mean, mean teenager – that I enjoyed sleeping in and staying up super late at night.

When I was a wee little one I had a hard time keeping my eyes open for a 15 minute car ride into town. The hum of the car would lull me to sleep within minutes. I remember sitting in the front seat and laying my head in my mom’s lap to fall asleep.  Seatbelt? Psst.

Since becoming an adult I’ve shunned naps and reserved them for cloudy, rainy, cold, blustery days – days where naps are nearly required and I’ve jumped into enough puddles, done enough around the house or finished a book.

Now that I’m pregnant I’ve learned that I can hardly function without a nap each afternoon. I have a meltdown like a toddler if I don’t get additional REM minutes. Napping is the only solution.  I’m not sure my students would appreciate a mid-day nap.

Today is the first day that I haven’t been in a slumber late in the afternoon. I cuddled up in bed, put on a quiet soundtrack (Barry hooked up a new speaker system for our iPod next to our bed…such a simple pleasure!) and waited for myself to fall into dreamland.

It didn’t happen.

Now I’m blogging and making tomato soup from scratch, grilled cheese sandwiches and pumpkin spice cupcakes for dinner. Jeesh. I went from needing a nap to cooking up a storm. We’ll see how long this non-nap thing works. Now that my nap is gone, I kind of miss it.

Like I said, I’ve got mixed feelings about napping.

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