April at a Glance



There’s lots to love in the day-to-day hustle of trying to get from one place to another. Four mornings a week we have to be out the door to get to school on time. Thankfully, we live a very short drive to school and most of the time we’re on time. It isn’t that hard to do, but it is lots of work. 

Some days my energy level is so very depleted by the time we’ve survived the whole day and done the bedtime rigamarole, I hardly have a slice of time to give even to myself…..only to wake up and start it over again. But it’s all good. It is. I promise.

Fridays, oh precious Fridays, are my very favorite because we don’t have to rush to be anywhere but exactly where we are, which is usually at home. The girls sink easily into play because they’ve been pushed and pulled all the other mornings of the week, they savor that Friday morning time.

I’m hyper-aware that it isn’t always going to be this way, time has a way of just moving a shit-ton faster than I’d like it. I’m savoring the few hours I get alone, TOTALLY ALONE!!!, a week, but it’s those few hours that give me energy to survive the dinner hour crazies, getting out the door on time, and even, maybe, the whining.

As ever, I’m behind in posting, writing, sharing; however, it’s mostly because I’ve been trying more to savor, bask, revel and be present in the hard work of living and loving.



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