Nap Time Do Not Disturb

Maggie posted this on her door a month or two ago. And I’d just like to recognize that she hasn’t taken a nap since roughly 2012. There was a time when nap time for my babies equated to a teeny-tiny bit or ME time. Neither of them were either great nappers, or sleepers really, but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I saw this posted. Because wouldn’t it be awesome if any or all of us could just hang a sign up and then cuddle in for a long winter’s nap….


Store & Dressing Up


We’ve been playing  ‘store’ lately and one our favorite things to do is arrive at Maggie’s Store dressed up as a customer that needs some help. Here’s some recent out-takes from one of Audrey’s characters.

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Picture of the Day

s secret note
When Maggie says ‘this’ it sounds like ‘dis’ and she started to write ‘you’ on the second line it looks like, but then got carried away with ‘love your’. Either way, she was very clear about what she wrote when she ‘got the note from the mailman’ and so, I wanted to make note of that.

We hav quite a few notes in this series because we had ‘quite the mystery to solve’ about who the secret admirer was. This one, however, was my favorite, because of the ending of “Maggie did not give this to you”.  A few nights ago, Mags kept shutting herself in her room telling us she had something important to do and then would appear, ‘after seeing the mailman,’ with some notes for us. I love her invented spelling and how she isn’t afraid to try the big words. We have a story that she wrote at school that is about as funny as this. She still loves to draw, but her understanding of language has exploded in the last couple months and we’re finding her writing everywhere. Three cheers for confident writers and lovers of the written word!!!